
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ethan's Soccer Tournament

Ethan played in his first soccer tournament on February 27 with the Abbotsford Soccer League. He had such a good time and his team was undefeated in their age category in both the tournament and in the season.

Ethan's soccer team (left to right, Brooklyn, Arman, Everett, Coach C,
Tyler, Adam, Ocean, Ethan, Coach J and Gurdeep)

The Award Ceremony. Each team was presented with medals
celebrating their achievement.

Coach J, Tyler and Ethan with their medals.

Preparing to play the Red Team.

Charlie and Graeme's Birthday Party

After Ethan's soccer tournament on Saturday, Ethan helped his friends Charlie and Graeme celebrate their birthdays. Charlie turned four and Graeme turned two. The kids had fun playing at the Abbotsford Exhibition Park with sporting equipment (hockey was the highlight), tumbling mats and a bouncy castle. Happy birthday Charlie and Graeme!

Charlie (4 years) and Graeme (2 years).

Michele and Jonas

Matt, Charlie, Ethan, Hayden, Nik and Colleen helping Charlie open presents.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ethan, My Special Helper!

Ethan has been such a great helper since Jonas was born. He is always willing to wet a face cloth or grab a blanket for me when I need one. But he has also helped with feeding Jonas, giving him a bath and even helping change his diaper. Thank you Ethan for being my special helper.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Grandma Lauder's Visit

My mom came to visit and help out with Ethan and Jonas on February 22. She planned to stay for a week, but we talked her into staying for almost 2 weeks. From cooking and cleaning to entertaining Ethan and holding Jonas we were so thankful for her help and support. I'm not sure I want to know how the first weeks would have gone without her. Thanks mom, we all really appreciated you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Custom Concepts Photo Session

We had pictures taken with Jonas at Custom Concepts Photography three days after Jonas was born. Here is a link to check out the photos: The password to view the photos is: ltt

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Olympic Hockey - Norway vs. Switzerland

Two days after Jonas was born we headed into Vancouver to watch Norway play Switzerland in Olympic Men's Hockey. It was a little exhausting taking transit with standing room only and walking around Vancouver, but we made some memories together that we won't soon forget. Ethan was so proud to cheer for Norway and it was exciting to watch him chant and clap along with the crowd. Jonas slept through the game, but he can still say he was there. Go Norway!

Reuben, Jonas and Ethan enjoying the game.

2 day old Jonas asleep in the carrier.

Norway put up a great fight but lost in overtime 5 - 4.

Vikingstaad scored a hatrick to help Norway challenge Switzerland.

Ethan cheered for Norway because as he says, "I am Norway (he means Norwegian)''

Friday, February 19, 2010

See the resemblance?

Reuben, 1977

Julie, 1976

Ethan, August 15, 2005

Jonas, February 18, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jonas' Visitors

Thank you to all of our family and friends who came to welcome Jonas and celebrate his birth with us! We love you all and were excited to share Jonas with you.

Nana and Jonas

Grandpa Loland and Jonas

Grandma and Jonas

Grandpa Lauder and Jonas

Auntie Andrea and Jonas

Grandma, Poppy and Jonas

Cousin Megan and Jonas

Auntie Nancy, cousin Megan and Jonas

Auntie Debbie and Jonas

Aunt Jessica, Uncle David and Jonas

Hospital Pictures

A friend of mine, through my graduate courses (she is also Nancy's neighbour), is a photographer (Custom Concepts Photography) and offered to come to the hospital and take some pictures of Jonas' first day. Here are a few of the pictures she took:

Thanks Jeannine!

Welcome Jonas!

Finally!! After a long 9months and 4 days, Jonas decided to meet his family and friends!! He was born on February 18, 2010 at 12:44am. He weighed 10lbs 2 oz. was 21 3/4" (55cm) long and his head measured 15" (38cm) in circumference. Labour went really well, mild contractions started just after 3pm and I went to Ethan's soccer game at 5pm and out for dinner to celebrate Nancy's birthday. Afterwards we headed home where I laboured for a few more hours before deciding to head into the hospital at about 11:15pm. We arrived just at about 11:45pm and I was fully dialated and ready to push. Not bad, since I was worried they were going to send me home! :) I push through about 4 or 5 contractions and Jonas was born. What a cooperative kid!!

Video of Jonas, just after birth.

Just a few minutes old.

10lbs, 2.7oz.

Welcome Jonas!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Zoo with Friends

On Tuesday, while dropping Ethan off at school (two days after my due date) one of his good friends, James, and his mom, Jen invited Ethan and I to go to the zoo with them Wednesday. The boys had so much fun biking around the zoo and I think all of the walking finally kick started my labor because I started getting contractions that afternoon.

Ethan biking around the zoo.

Our favourite animals.

James and Ethan being silly with their eyes closed.

Playing on the playground...the highlight.