
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Optimus Prime

We recently purchased some new chairs for our family room.  

The boxes they came in were 'L' shaped and when put together made a perfect Optimus Prime (or so I was told).  The boys cut out holes for windows and created doors.  We even spent some time decorating OP, but the best part was playing inside.  Both Jonas and Ethan enjoyed the 'truck', so much that it stayed in our living room for far too long! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morgan and Jonas

We recently, had the privilege of watching our nephew, Morgan.  It was so cute to watch Morgan and Jonas watch each other with such curiosity.  Adorable!

Best friends...most of the time!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grandma's Visit

My mom came out for the weekend to see the boys and help us celebrate a belated Christmas!  Just as she was leaving, I realized I hadn't taken any photos while she was hear and so had her pose with the boys in the front entrance of our home on the way out.  I quickly snapped a few photos with our new, fancy camera and took her to the airport.  Later, when I looked at the photos, it became apparent to me that I don't know how to take a picture without auto focus...oops!  Thanks for the visit, mom!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Cut!

Ethan decided the other day that he wanted to get his hair cut short, like his dad's.  he said that he made this decision because he didn't want his hair to be in his eyes anymore.  Me, being the lover of his long hair that I am said, "We can always just get a trim! :)"  But Ethan said he wanted it short.  So, we made an appointment for the cut, and today at 4pm his long hair was gone...

The Before...


 And After...