We celebrated Jonas' first birthday with family and few special friends at the ice rink at ARC. Jonas had a great time watching everyone skate around him as he was pushed on the ice in his stroller. It was so entertaining he soon fell asleep...oops!! I guess that was to be expected...he missed his morning nap.
The older kids had a great time skating, but the fun really started when the hockey sticks came out (true Canadians!)
After skating, everyone enjoyed lunch and cake upstairs in a room overlooking the ice rink and pool.
I was so proud of this cake! It turned out so cute and was delicious too! Thanks so much Colleen for your recipe and all your help!
I was surprised by how much Jonas enjoyed unwrapping his gifts. I figured he would maybe pull out a bit of tissue paper and then loose interest, but he stuck it out, stopping only to read the book Matt and Nik had given him about Trucks. Thanks everyone for your generous and thoughtful gifts!
Happy Birthday Jonas! We love you!