
Thursday, June 24, 2010


It is so interesting to watch the relationship between Ethan and Jonas develop.  I think that Ethan is pretty proud to have a little brother, as he'll often makes a point of letting strangers know that he is a big brother.  But we had to laugh one day when my mom asked Ethan if he liked having Jonas as his brother and he responded, "Well, he sure likes me!"  I guess the response wasn't too surprising as I often find myself going out of my way to make sure Ethan knows Jonas likes him, watches him, smiles at him, etc. as if I think that letting him know will somehow prevent the inevitable jealousy or sibling rivalry issues.  For now, I guess I can be thankful that the only arguing between "siblings" in our house is between Ethan and our dog...go figure!





  1. Julie,

    I love your writeups and photos of your delightful sons. You are truly and blessing to them and me.

    Love and blessings always,


  2. Thank you, I am so glad you are enjoying them! Love you!
